On Mission
In Acts 1:8, our Lord Jesus gave a commission to win the lost and develop them as His disciples, beginning in our city and extending to our region, our nation, and around the world. By taking this commission seriously, Englewood Baptist Church has been transformed into a global missions center. Missions is not a program here; it is who we are and what we do!
Ongoing Trips
If you are interested in going on any of the Disaster Relief trips that will be scheduled this year, pre-register below. Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by Libby Caviness to explain your next steps.
Note: You do NOT need NCBM training to go on these trips.
Opportunities to Serve
The International Mission Board
More details about the following opportunities and pathways can be found by going to www.imb.org/go. Here you can chat live with an IMB employee about what pathway might be right for you. You can also send them an email at sray@imb.org.
Short Term Opportunities:
Adults wanting to take the gospel to the nations on a short-term trip, lasting anywhere from a couple weeks to a few months, can find a plethora of opportunities for both individuals and groups at www.imb.org/trips.
Medical professionals wanting to use their gifts for a short-term assignment can get more information by going to www.imb.org/healthcare.
Mid-Term to Long-Term Opportunities:
A Team Associate is not funded through the IMB but works closely with an IMB church-planting team. This individual generally uses his or her profession overseas while supporting a church-planting effort. They serve two year assignments.
IMB offers a unique, fully funded, two year missions opportunity for college graduates under age 30. Journeymen are sent by their church through IMB to join an international missionary team to share the gospel, make disciples and help plant churches. For more information go to: www.imb.org/students/go-2-years-journeyman/
This is for individuals who have a long-term call but do not have seminary training yet. Those who sign up for this program go to the field and take seminary clasess while they are working on a church-planting team. The IMB pays for half of the degree, while the seminary covers the other half (one of six Southern Baptist Seminaries). There is no age limit for this pathway. Macedonia workers serve three to four years and are funded through the IMB.
The Two + Two program is another avenue through the seminaries. The first two years are spent at a seminary, and the last two years are spent working with a church-planting team on the field. This option is not funded through a scholarship. The last two years overseas are IMB-funded.
This program is for anyone who wants to go, but doesn’t want to go long-term. An individual can serve for two or three years on missionary church-planting teams. No college degree or seminary credits are required. Retirees would be encouraged to go this route, if they wanted to spend a few years on the field. This opportunity is also IMB-funded.
Field support roles include professionals who work in logistics, finance or some other role that directly supports church planters and other IMB personnel on the field. They work overseas and do share the gospel, but most of their time is spent on their professional role. The IMB fully funds this position.
A Career Missionary serves as a church planter. They begin their first four-year term as an apprentice missionary, and work alongside an established church-planting team. On their next term, they return as a church planter. Their full time job is the core missionary task. They are fully funded and this would be a long-term pathway.
An associate does the same work as a church planter, but they do not have to have a seminary background. It is an ideal role for someone who has pastored or worked in ministry for many years but has no seminary degree. The requirement here is a life experience requirement. This is IMB-funded and a long-term pathway.
Short-Term Trip Requirements:
Members of each team going on a short-term mission trip with Englewood Baptist Church must:
Domestic Trips – Minimum age is 15 (Exceptions may be considered at the discretion of the Acts 1:8 Ministry team on an individual basis based on the location of the trip).
International Trips – Minimum age is 16/17 with a parent or guardian (Notarized paperwork required).
There must be a student/adult ratio for each trip of 1 adult per every 3 youth (age 15-17) on a domestic/international trip. There will be no exceptions to this rule for security reasons.
Student Mission Trips
Oaxaca, Mexico
June 21-28, 2025
Working with: Jeff and Liesa
Trip Leader: Dylan Anderson
Estimated Cost: $1,800.00
Housing Style: Hotel Accommodations (3-4 per room)
What: EV, English Club, Children’s Programs, Prayer Walking
Deadline to Sign Up: March 9th
**Must be an EBC Member at least 15 or older by March 9th. (Individuals under 16 must have been to Pittsburgh and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)
Pittsburgh: Reclamation Church
July 5-11, 2025
Working with: Brent and Emily Phillips
Trip Leader: Dylan Anderson
Spots: 25
Estimated Cost: $795(could change depending on how many people sign up)
Housing Style: Group Housing
What: VBS
Deadline to Sign Up: May 18th
**Must be an EBC Member in 6th grade or older in the 2025-2026 school year. Must bring a parent/guardian if under 16 years of age (unless otherwise approved)
Pittsburgh: Reclamation Church
July 26-August 1, 2025
Working with: Brent and Emily Phillips
Trip Leader: Dylan Anderson
Spots: 25
Estimated Cost: $795(could change depending on how many people sign up)
Housing Style: Group Housing
What: Soccer Camp
Deadline to Sign Up: May 18th
**Must be an EBC Member in 6th grade or older in the 2025-2026 school year. Must bring a parent/guardian if under 16 years of age (unless otherwise approved)
High School Senior Student Trip to South Asia
December 26, 2025- January 4,2026
Working with: EBC Personnel
Trip Leader: Dylan Anderson
Spots: 10
Estimated Cost: $2,600 (Half of this cost for EBC seniors who have been on a previous trip with us.)
Housing Style: Hotel Accommodations (3-4 per room)
What: Children's programs, EV, Missionary Care
Deadline: 1st-January 19th, Final-April 27th
**International Training & Child Safety training will be required. You must have a current passport and visas will be applied for before the departure date. Must be an EBC Member and a High School Senior in the 2025-2026 academic year or older.
Non-Student Mission Trips
Trip to S. Asia
February 13-22, 2025
Working with: Debra and Harold
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Estimated Cost: $2,250.00
Debra and Harold are in need of smaller Evangelism teams to prayer walk & engage people with the gospel in places where they need to gain traction in thier area.
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)
Men's Trip to Pittsburgh
March 9-14, 2025
Working with: Reclamation Church New Kensington
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Spots: 8
Estimated Cost: $750.00
Reclamation Church New Kensington launched in October. They were gifted a very large 120 year old church building. For the week we will be removing walls to make a welcome area. The team will also be working to repair walls around the church. Overall, the goal is to help make the building more useable. If you have carpentry, electrical, or other construction experience that is a plus!
Medical Mission Trip to S. Asia
April 24 - May 3, 2025
Working with: James & Tracey
Trip Leader: Ashley Parker
Registration Closed
Estimated Cost: $2,250.00
The team will work alongside James and Tracey and our national partners to minister to people in more remote villages. You will set up medical camps in different villages each day and provide basic medical care. There will likely be some separate evangelism in other villages as well. If you are a doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, physical therapy assistant, or a nurse, ask the Lord if He would have you serve on this trip!
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)
Trip to S. Asia
May 22-31, 2025
Working with: Jacob and Melissa
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Spots: 4
Estimated Cost: $2,300.00
Jacob and his family are striving to engage a large people group with the gospel. Come be a part of their team for a week and help them engage the lost, disciple believers and more!
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)
Trip to E. Asia
July 19-27, 2025
Working with: Jonathan and Tommie Anne
Trip Leader: Mark Ferrell
Estimated Cost: $3,100.00
This team will help Jonathan and Tommie Anne conduct a summer camp in one of the villages. The hope is to engage those in this village with the gospel and love of Christ.
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)
Trip to S. Asia
August 14-23, 2025
Working with: Bill and Merrilea
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Spots: 3-4
Estimated Cost: $3,350.00
This trip’s primary activity revolves around training local believers in evangelism and doing evangelism itself.
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)
Trip to Pittsburgh
September 20-26, 2025
Working with: Reclamation Church New Kensington
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Spots: 15
Estimated Cost: $750.00
Reclamation Church New Kensington launched in October. They were gifted a very large 120 year old church building. The team will be working to help make the building more useable. Specific projects will likely reflect the abilities of the team. If you have carpentry, electrical, or other construction experience that is a plus!
Trip to S. Asia
November 13-22, 2025
Working with: Debra and Harold
Trip Leader: NEEDED
Spots: 2-4
Estimated Cost: $2,250.00
Debra and Harold are in need of smaller Evangelism teams to prayer walk & engage people with the gospel in places where they need to gain traction in thier area.
For this trip you will need:
· Passport—Must be valid through 2025
· Travel Visa—secured via an appointment with the Mission’s office
· To complete the IMB’s Go Method application & training process
· Vaccines (see separate handout)